The three shot exercise I found went quite well because we managed to find a great location, the staircase in building 13. This looked great on camera due to the multiple levels of dark winding steps. I really believe that location and the colours of location can really add to the overall shot and can be crucial in creating the mood for the footage. We managed to place the camera on the fourth floor looking directly below the staircase which looked great on camera. We initially chose to film the exercise as 3 shots of a person walking down the stairs, however changed on of the shots to what she does after climbing the stairs in order to have somewhat of a storyline. In planning, I think we all wanted to shoot multiple angles of the same shots, however we didn’t end up doing that due limitations of the space. Our first shot was of Mia walking down the stairs from a high angle shot, the next was a tracking shot of Mia walking downstairs front on, then finally we had a shot of her on her phone at the bottom of the stairs in front of some cool green lighting (thanks RMIT).
In editing I sneakily used some of the first shot in the end shot (so technically 4 shots) but it flowed so nicely from the previous shot that I couldn’t resist including it to add more of a story to the little footage we had. In editing I played around with the colour correction by tinting the overall footage green, contrasting that with bright red titles to create an eerie vibe. I also managed to find some interesting eerie music on youtube (royalty free). In editing I also noticed that the little circles (don’t know what they are actually called) on the stairs appeared to be flashing which I thought looked very cool. I also used some fast cuts to black in the second shot to create the spooky ominous vibe I felt was right for the scene. The final shot I tried to tint the screen to red but in doing so it went from green to blue to red, which didn’t look too bad I think but isn’t what I had intended. In my editing techniques, I like to take inspiration from the music (if music is used) so that the audio and footage remains connected in a way. The ending, although possibly seen as flashy and unnecessary for such a short sequence of clips sync best with the music in my opinion and utilise the music’s intensity to the upmost. I was actually really pleased with how the edit turned out overall and am keen to explore more in post-production techniques.