This week was quite a jam packed week, a lot was done, learnt and achieved.
For the Tuesday class we were able to learn practical skills of setting up the FX3 camera and its audio controls. Watching the videos and being able to apply it onto the camera in person helped us be more prepared for the practice audio test on Thursday. I learnt about the different audio channels, audio levels and how to properly roll a cable to make sure it doesn’t become damaged.
Before Thursday rolled around our group prepared prompts to ask Sammy, our interviewee about her creative process.
On Thursday, Sarah had booked a room for us to record our audio test using the FX3. Booking a room helped us have a quiet spot for the interview without lots of background noise. We were able to quickly set up the camera with ease because of our experience on Tuesday, referencing back to the notes when needed. We ended up doing a few audio tests, using different levels to see which levels were best suited, through both the headphones and Premier Pro. After that we reference the Art Basel Video to structure our questions (the interviewee incorporating the question into her answer) and the type of questions to ask. To improve for next time, we will come with more prepared and catered questions, and formatting the SD card before we start so when we upload the videos into our laptop its a quicker and more efficient process.
In regards to our reflection group interview, we all discussed ways in which our group adhered to the Intended Learning Outcome of deconstruction and demonstrated a professional level of producing video work. We had achieved this by understanding what a pitch deck is, annotated the provided pitch deck on how it could be improved and other notes, we researched a docu series ‘Art Basel’ which was similar to the pitch deck guidelines, analysing the overall series and a specific video and talked about our process of the audio test. Overall the discussion with the members of my group helped me to understand the ILO to a greater depth. This informed me on which section was most important in the written transcript of our discussion which reflected the ILO.