Film and TV1 – goals and desires.
This semester I would like to gain better experience with the technical side of production as well as follow through on writing and have the courage to actually apply proper effort and not shy away due to a fear of failure. In Particular:
Develop my proficiency using a camera
- take time to conceive and frame shots/ consider white balance and focus and maximise the potential of a shot.
- if someone else is responsible for the camera be mindful of what they’re doing rather than denying myself a passive learning experience.
- actively involve myself in the areas I feel less competent so I can learn.
Don’t allow lack of effort to be an excuse to fail, or even to not succeed to the extent I would like to.
- Dedicate an appropriate amount of time to play with ideas and give my imagination room to move
- write proactively so as not to end up doing a “rush job”
Recognise when I need to work to achieve other people’s vision and engage in that and enjoy the process.
I have really enjoyed Film and TV1. I’ve been surprised at how much I’ve been able to enjoy the technical aspects of film. I appreciated the consistent attention we gave to learning skills in the tutorials and lectures. It was great to have the opportunity to revisit things the next week to solidify the process in our memory.
I think I did a good job with taking the opportunity to learn about other roles than my own by observation. I would have liked to learn more about lighting and editing but with the lighting it was a case of needing to let people do what they had to to get things done. The editing was poor time management and, my experience so far has been that for the most part it’s a one man job. We weren’t very productive when it was an edit by committee situation and Kai did a fantastic job of bringing our film together. I’m hoping next semester I can be more involved in that aspect.
I have really loved this course but it has been a bit overwhelming in terms of workload. I think I burnt myself out a little bit so that by the time filming was over I didn’t have the energy I would have liked to have to put into post production. That I think is probably just a reality of the course, that a lot of work needs to be done combined with my not knowing how to alleviate time pressures else where to give myself the proper time to work on Film and TV.
Going forward It would be nice to have a more comprehensive list of the assessment and due dates for everything that needs to be done through semester. I found on several occasions this semester assessment pieces/deadlines took me by surprise and it was more difficult to give things the attention I would have liked to because I wasn’t able to map it out in advance.