NIAJ A3: Collaborative research

With completing a proposal and a script for this assignment, I was able to learn new things, as well as improve the skills I already knew before. The biggest disadvantage, I would say, is that our group is relatively small, so there’s this ongoing fear of not being as competent as the other groups. However, I’m fairly confident of the idea we are going to present as, fortunately, it is relevant to recent news.As a consequence, we had expanded the idea in relation to said news. This made me realize that an update will always occur to a news story, and that is why one can never stop browsing for more information. Another accomplishment would be the way in which we delegated the work within ourselves, and each is free to contribute to the other’s task if they came up with a better idea. This was super useful as the script needed to be witty and funny…and boy that isn’t easy to do by yourself! This explains why Stephen Colbert has 12 other writers. I’ve never tackled script writing before, but this assignment taught me that it isn’t as challenging given you’re prepared with sufficient material. Moreover, we had instant communication within the group that aided in time management. This was beneficial in making the decision-making process quicker, and in arranging meetings for face-to-face discussion and research. Furthermore, I discovered that I’m good at communicating my ideas and weighing in the ideas of others making it easier to reach a mutual solution. That is an important asset to have as it is imperative to take control of situations in a diplomatic manner wherever career I decide to go into. Finally, I got to challenge myself and examine my approach to different situations throughout this assignment as I’m exposed to things that are uncomfortably unknown to me (e.g. script writing, forming a proposal, etc.), but I realize now that there is no better way of learning something than just doing it.

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