A4 – Reflection on Final Artefact

Looking back at my final film for this assignment, I am overall very happy with how it turned out. I think that majority of the shots are well framed and considered, and that the editing really improved the quality of the documentary and lifted the appearance of the shots. Being completely responsible for all of the stages of film making was also extremely valuable and will certainly help me become more organised and skilful in future projects.

If I where to continue this project and try to enhance its quality to a festival or feature standard, I would definitely focus on getting more content, and spending a considerably longer time filming in the pubs and area surrounding them. As mentioned earlier, I would mainly try to focus on getting more intimate and personal footage. This would include capturing more audible and clear conversations and scenarios, such as a family or couple eating dinner, where their conversations and actions are more focused on for a greater length of time. This could also include things like ordering their food, or even what the other person at the table is doing whilst their partner is in the bathroom. I would also get more footage of behind the bar, and conversations / exchanges between staff. This altered or more exaggerated kind of approach to making ‘MY LOCAL’ would be more similar to Wiseman, who typically stays in one venue for the whole duration of his film, however films different jobs and sections of that location. For example, in his film ‘The Store’ (1984), Wiseman filmed both inside a boardroom meeting, as well as in specific shops where staff where being trained and people where shopping. However, all of this is occurring and relating to the same department store. The main reason I would focus on capturing these kinds of moments is because I think it would make the film more relatable and intriguing to audiences. As opposed to the more brief and distanced shots in my film, getting this closer and lengthier footage would really put the audience into the subjects position, and force them to consider when they have been in similar situations, and how that differs/connects to what is unfolding on the screen. Also seeing different roles playing out in a pub, such as the manager, food runner, and different customers would add more of a narrative to the film.

An extension to this film would also be to access footage in a pub with a live band. This would add a whole new dynamic, atmosphere, and draw to the film. Visiting a pub such as the workers hotel for example, and getting permission from a local band performing to include their music would connect with audiences in a whole new way. It may encourage older audiences to reflect on how the live music scene differs from when they where seeing live bands as teenagers / uni students, and incite a sense of nostalgia. the inclusion of music at a venue would also add a level of engagement within the film, particularly if it was accompanying footage that it suited.


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