Andrew McGlade

a few blogs made at uni.

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Lectorial Thoughts & Reading Reflections – Week 12

“You will not make much money from this degree” WHY NOT TELL US THIS IN WEEK ONE ARRGGHHHH   I kid, though. I kid. The way I see work, if it’s not fun, it’s not worth doing. I have worked… Continue Reading →

Workshop Reflections 11 (19/05) – Rough Cut, Not-so-rough Feedback

The week 11 workshop revolved around the evaluation of the rough cuts of our audio presentations by our tutor, Brian. My group was first to have our draft evaluated, and Brian took some notes during and returned the following points needing addressing… Continue Reading →

Workshop Reflections 10 (12/5/16) – Sounds Good!

It’s funny how memory has an odd way of escaping us sometimes. Uhhhh what happened week 10? OH RIGHT! So week ten’s tute was relatively struggley for me, as I was coming down with a bit of a migraine at… Continue Reading →

Lectorial Thoughts & Reading Reflections – Week 10

With very few days left until our final audit… to begin my night of epic bloggery catch-up. Week 10’s lectorial focused on the concept of ‘Institutions’; which, by now, I know very well. We discussed the key features of institutions; and… Continue Reading →

PB4 Update – 31/05

Audio Essay? Done! Video Essay? *Just about* Done!   Now to just add background music and catch up on a few weeks of blogging 🙂

PB4 Update – 21/05 20:06

have been asked to do the video and audio editing for these essays drinking to cope. pray for me fam

First Step of the Rest of My Career…?

Monday was a pretty cool day. After class I headed home to a rehearsal for my band The Mochasins, and then got to sit in on a little bit of a rehearsal for one of my favourite local bands –… Continue Reading →

Week 9 Case Connections – Audiences and the React Series

My reflections on the topic of audiences led me to look back on a YouTube series known as “React”; where a group of society (Elders, Teens, Kids) react to certain videos, music, lyrics and such; and have these reactions filmed for camera…. Continue Reading →

Workshop Reflections 9 (5/5/16) – On the Ball

The week 9 workshops main exercise was really to discuss our annotated bibliographies, and discuss and present as a group where we were at with the planning of our PB4 presentations. Being the colourful, artsy type I am, I managed… Continue Reading →

Lectorial Thoughts & Reading Reflections – Week 9

I’m not that far behind with blogging, am I? …. Oh…. OH…. Turns out I am, and that it’s time to play a few weeks of catch-up here. Starting with week 9 – which covered the topics of Copyright and Audiences…. Continue Reading →

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