There were so many big ideas floating around this week, one of those being the overall design for the App. This included having the one central app that was specific to Pocket Museum itself, and then within that app the characters and their stories sit. This means that if their was ever future progress with this history App and we wanted to include more historical characters then it would mean that the user wouldn’t have to download multiple individual apps, instead it would be just the one. In the App you would click on the desired character, in this regard John Mitchell Christie (JMC), and it would come up with headings to choose from, those being: Audio Artifacts, Webisodes, Maps, Rewards, Pictures, Website, possible social media sites and a favourites/rewards page.
The idea of having rewards we thought, was a good incentive to the user to go to these locations and learn about the history and engage with the stories. It would be at these locations that they would win a prize – which could be exclusive content, behind the scenes footage, bonus stories, virtual trophies. With this, we want to find out a way to sync the app and the website, so that when the user gets these rewards, they automatically sync to both the platforms which acts like a trophy cabinet. This would mean that the story is becoming interactive and engaging, which is what you want when learning not only about the history of Melbourne but also when creating a detective/mystery story. The website will have the same pages as the App as we want to keep them both consistent, however as I have been saying, the website will contain more content.
The reason we wish to have this incentive is to make the user want to continue along with the story (which was our feedback in our presentation). What is making them want to go to the next location or story? Why should they? What makes them different? Some might do the first one and not even bother going to the next because they know the content will be on the website anyway. These are all things that we have to consider when creating this story world – we want all of our components to be seen and to be engaged with – that is the purpose of having multiple platforms on offer, it means the audience is getting a different experience with each one. At the end of the day, if we cant work out how to do this in the time frame it is something that we will have to leave out, however if it can be done, then we will create this added bonus.