![Wifi Report](https://www.mediafactory.org.au/amber-ryder/files/2016/03/wifi-report-1k5fsuj.jpg)
Wifi Report
My 3hr long workshop this week featured a 2hr long internet outage, a broken projector and a lesson centred mostly upon the use of technology…fantastic.
Aside from the troublesome wifi RMIT seems to possess the lesson went quite alright. We started with a discussion which was based upon “The Edit”, this was a follow up to the lectorial we participated in last Monday, where it was suggested that the term Editing refers to gaps, juxtaposition, fixing (at times breaking) as well as the fact it operates in multiple mediums.
We then continued our discourse to overview this week’s readings, which was synonymous to the idea of thinking about and studying media ‘in the current moment’. This followed on to a debate established around the notion of how we are in the midst of a shift in how media is being studied from the Broadcast to Post Broadcast era. We mainly talked about how new outlets of media such as the internet (blogging, Youtube, ect) are changing the way media is studied and produced as communication
The second half of the lesson was disrupted with more internet difficulties, so Seth Keen decided to set us into small table groups in order to work on our Premier Pro skills, and for those who had a good grasp on Premier to teach those who had never worked with it before.
I was quite familiar with the program as I had a version of it at my highschool which I used to make my Yr11 short film and my Yr12 short film, so I helped some of the girls on my table with basic skills such as shortening clips of video, detaching audio from a video file, uploading files, and exporting projects. It is really interesting working with a never version of Premier Pro, I’m able to see where the programmers found where things weren’t really working, and updating the interface to more modern style, though it also means I have to get out using some of my old techniques and get up to date with my own editing skills.
We were then asked to share how we were doing on our Project Brief 2. I hadn’t really done much of it at that point, editing wise. I have all my footage though and am looking to edit this weekend. Some of the people in my class had already completed their projects which I found extremly surprising, as I barely had enough time to film this week!
We were then presented with a few examples of PB2 from last year, the one which stood out to me most, and inspired me, was “Bliss” By Bliss David. I really appreciated the abstract imagery and voice overs paired with footage of him as a child, it was almost a dream-like experience. I aim for my project to be abstract in some ways but still hold parts of clear memories told by my best friend. We then went over how to analyse our own works within a 350 word limit, I realised I must be concise with my writing, which I’m pretty terrible at since I tend to ramble quite a bit when discussing symbolism and why a certain audio clip was used ect. I guess it’s just something I need to note for future reference, assessors don’t really want to read a 1000 word essay on a 1min film.
The lesson concluded with another exploration on David Gauntlett on Remaking how we think about Media which brings together some great points that we have touched upon already: such as the ever changing microcosm which is the media, and how are the creations and craft of individuals often left ignored as an under-explored side of media ecology.
The lesson was then dismissed and we left for lunch, I am excited to begin my task of editing PB2.