Drift: A Self Reflection
Drift seeks to explore and covey my personal experiences through symbol and audio reflection. The work’s main intention is to establish a sense of myself in the viewer, and allow them to drift through the mind which is Amber Ryder.
I’ve always believed I am someone who believes in fate. A balloon is always moving, being taken new places, experiencing so fast and so suddenly, going in and out of people’s lives; I thought it was the perfect representation of myself. I began digging up old photos from my childhood, as I’ve always had a love for balloons, and allowing those to inspire my next creative action.
I knew I wanted a voice over of some sort, which would pair well with the choppy imagery I was about to create. So I asked my friend Jordyn to answer a few questions with me in different takes on my iphone, she is my best friend and someone who I think knows me better than myself at times (I also made her draw balloons and noughts & crosses on the asphalt to portray our connection and the how we met during school). Once I had the audio recorded (wind, to represent myself in symbol, Jordyn to represent my perceived self, and my own voice and laughter to represent my actual self) I was able to make my next move, I blew up 15 balloons and filled the bathtub, this was to connect my current self with my child hood self, hence the term “unexpected permanence”, balloons and even childhood infer a sense of the temporary, but in me, those fleeting moments remain permanent. To further enforce this I filmed balloons floating in my backyard where I would play as a child, on my old JVC camera, connecting to my ever present love of creating film. Cut between these takes were a selection of images such as a balloon blowing up, to catalyse my growth as a young adult, as well as some photos of my art, as I love to paint and draw (also photos from the NGV as I frequent there). Also featured is an abstract movement of colour, included to portray my distant, constantly day-dreaming, and occupied mind; a train, to involve my transport of choice; and the rain drops on my mum’s car window during a drive, as driving in the rain is one of my favourite things. The symbolism of the wind, is again emblematic of fate and life’s unexpected journeys.
In conclusion Drift conveys myself as “Colour: full of air” and hopefully instills my message to drift, so you never burst.
<iframe src=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/159582623″ width=”500″ height=”367″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p><a href=”https://vimeo.com/159582623″>drift: a self reflection</a> from <a href=”https://vimeo.com/user50204983″>Amber Ryder</a> on <a href=”https://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p>
drift: a self reflection from Amber Ryder on Vimeo.