Tuesday’s shoot was both stressful and successful.
The day began with a huge misunderstanding and a mixup in hair and makeup; which resulted in me trying to work through the green screen scenes which I didn’t even plan. The actress was nice though, and easy to manoeuvre and work with. She understood my cues and direction, and to be honest, it was fun having some time alone to create an image I was happy with. Along with this, I also got the band members involved and we were able to shoot some great green screen footage which will be put in front of jail lineup backdrop in post-production. The band members were really fun and eager to help out; only two were able to come on set, though they both played multiple roles and stayed long hours to help us out which was more than we could ask for.
After my green screen scenes were done, stress minimised for a bit as the actress was sent back to hair and makeup to get redone and ready for the shoot in the cyclorama studio. As this was occurring I helped out in the scenes with the detective. It was so fun being able to style and direct the scene, making lighting changes and coming up with new ideas along the way.
Although the day was quite stressful and fast-paced, I really enjoyed feeling like I was an integral part of the production and that we were really getting somewhere with the music video. From what I can tell, the shots turned out great, as I watched a few clips while uploading them to the media server. I believe that next weekend when we shoot the getaway/ pool party scenes, we will have enough footage to make a good music video and fill the time we need to fill with quality imagery.