We picked our song! And I couldn’t be more happy with it; I love the nostalgic, jazzy vibe it has. I find that it is very different to most of the songs that the rest of our class chose, which are more modern. I find that attaching a string aesthetic video to this track will be easy, as the song’s identity, as well as, the band’s identity is already prevalent in the highly stylised vocals and jazz set up.

The band we are working with is an 8 piece jazz band from Melbourne’s Eastern Suburbs which Olivia got us into contact with through mutual friends. The Particular song we are creating the music video to is titled To ‘N’ Fro; a smooth and stylish number with a hint of malice tied in. In correlation with all these positive factors, however, I have two main concerns:

  • The song is extremely long
  • The band is extremely large

We should be able to work through these factors though, should they become of an issue. I know from experience that trying to plan shoots with a large number of people, does not work. As they all have different schedules. Though, as long as we plan heavily in advance and not require all of the band and actors in one spot at any time, we should be okay.

The issue of duration won’t be an issue as long as we acquire as much footage as possible.

That being said I’m super excited to start work on the project!