Workshop Cancellation Set Back 2.0

Workshop Cancellation Set Back 2.0

All of my classes on Thursday were cancelled. Every. Single. One.

But I only found out once I was already in the city (good one amber). So I decided to tidy up the script for the video essay we must complete by next week. The rest of my group (Ei Kie and Georgia) met up in Building 10 to discuss how we might plan out the essay, whilst I went to the tiny library near Dracula’s so I could really put my brain into working on this script.

I believe my group is planning to use only found footage, which will work just fine, as I see no reason for us to film anything that cannot be found on the internet or through certain sources.

I’m really looking forward to putting everything together, I’m sure once this project ends it will be a huge relief to us all.