My PB4 has gone through many struggles through this past month, though through illness, several cancelled workshops, and lost files. We’re reaching the end of this nightmare.
This week’s meeting discussed how we were able to collaborate both mine and Ei Kie’s findings into the video essay. Georgia had fully covered the audio with how narrative impacts american news in order for the information to be easier to process. As well as how audiences cling to certain storylines and narrative forms in order to make sense of the world around them, fictional or not, our brains are constantly searching for codes and conventions which link as to a hero, and a villain.
The video essay, is not so much different. However, my research tackled theories such as monomyth, and how story is repeated throughout history, following the idea that no new story is written, but rather re-written for a modern audience. It was interesting discovering just how many films follow the exact same pattern of events, and audiences either don’t notice, or don’t care.
We are planning to get the video essay completed by at least Wednesday. As the Workshop this week was cancelled we have not had much time to talk it through, though hopefully with the end date nearing, we are able to video essay that suffices the requirements.