Cadbury VS Nestle | Tutorial
For almost 100 years, Cadbury’s chocolate has been swathed in a distinctive purple wrapping that made it stand out from rivals.
But yesterday it lost the exclusive right to the iconic colour in a court battle with Nestle.
Following the ruling by the Court of Appeal, trademark lawyer Fiona McBride said: ‘This is a massive blow to Cadbury.’
Pretty sure everyone knows about Cadbury and Nestle.. I mentioned it in class and I feel like the border between Copyrights AND Trademarks are very subjective.
I felt like this was an issue that was blown up way too big. In such cases, there isn’t a definite win between any of them because firstly, it’ a very costly venture to claim a copyright and then having to face an appeal. Ultimately, the only winners are the lawyers who are benefiting from this entire saga.
That being said, I think it’s basic principles that you do not purposely step on someone else’s toes. It really doesn’t benefit anyone other than getting free publicity..
Which if you do think about it logically, it’s not worth the money!
These are truly my own opinions!