Media Lectorial Exercise- noticing audit

It came as a surprise that there are heaps of Media texts surrounding us, I’m not sure how many i actually noticed intentionally and covered at Federation Square but here are the following:

  • Huge Screen
  • Welcome to Federation Square (Digital sign)
  • Public event Notice
  • Restaurant Name Signs and their deals
  • Recycling Bin
  • 7 Eleven Store icon
  • On ground written texts
  • Bike share sign
  • Federation Square website URL
  • Welcome to thai culture advertisment on poles
  • Printed artwork images on chair
  • Lipton tea Sign
  • Formula 1 Advertisement
  • Traffic lights
  • Toilet Signs
  • The paper and smart phone in my mind, i interacted with my smartphone all the time as i was taking pictures and recording my findings of media texts.

Here are the pictures

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During the exercise, I noticed that I was more aware of different media texts, previously whenever crossed by Federation Square, I would be avoiding every media content but today was a different story, I was consciously noticing the media around me. Secondly, by recording the images, it has made it more clear to me that this information stays longer in the mind as compared to just viewing it.

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