Outline of my story

Scene 1: INT

Guy is sleeping on bed, flashbacks of pasts appears in his dream and shows signs of fear in his sleep.

scene 2: INT

Guy wakes up from his sleep, reflects upon what he saw in his dream. Exits the frame/stays in shot.

scene 3: INT

Guy washes dishes when accidently turns on hot tap water, he sees the fumes and stares at it for a while, the flashbacks starts again and the whole scenario runs back and forth. Guy comes back to his senses and turns off the tap water.

scene 4: INT

Guy warms himself nearby heater, thinking about what is happening to him recently, as his eyes struck the flames of the heater, he again revisits his vision from past and after the same voice “You failed”, he comes back to his present state and loses his mind.

Scene 5: EXT

He comes out to his backyard and sits on the ground, asks himself why is it happening.

Scene 6: EXT

That same voice appears in a figure form. Starts to speak his dialogue.

scene 7: EXT

The figure will continue his dialogue and will go back forth with the guy’s expression, the figure slowly appears close to the guy and speaks his final words.

Scene 8: INT

Guy wakes up and indicates that it was just a dream, but that figure appears in the far back alley way.


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