Plan for week 8

Well the week is almost over, today each of us had a discussion with Robin regarding our projects. So after going through storyboarding and the dialogue that I wrote, Robin and I discussed the final approach that I’m taking on. So unlike the conventional method and the business practice of filmmaking where shooting is not in chronological order, well I’m taking that approach, the only reason is because I want my actor to go through the journey of the character and to connect more with it as story evolves.

The Camera equipment that I’ll use is my own DSLR. I mentioned in my previous post about technological advancement of DSLR but I have to be careful regarding sound as sync is an issue in DSLR, but then again, I don’t have much dialogues so I think I’ll be alright with it.

Now I just have to test my DSLR  in the environment where I will be shooting just to see if the lightning is enough. I’m hopeful that it would work out well. I’ll put some test shoots in coming days.

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