The most important dialogue

This the dialogue that I want form the being to narrate when he faces the man who is having troubles of bad memories:

She told me that you would wear the mask of deception. She said that every word that would fly out of your mouth would be yet another empty promise. She said that you would ride in on your white horse and that you would shout down from the mountain tops about how you were going to save us all. 

I remember everything about you. I remember how you said that you would always be there for them. I remember how you said that you’ll  go and save us all. I see right through you, man. You’re a liar. You’re the biggest hypocrite of them all and you deserve everything that is coming for you. We’ve gone too far, there is no turning back now.

How can you forget what is already burned in your memory? What will be left of you? What am I? Well I’m the nightmare at the end of your dream. Beyond time I stand, Run!

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