Idea development and planning

I’m still sticking with my original thought of film idea which is about this guy in his 20’s and his past is haunting him in his dreams and eventually starts to appear in day time. At first I thought to make a devil appear in his dream and later in physical form, but then I realised that would be too cliche, so instead I added a voice to my idea and later on this humanly figure at the end when this guy faces the being.

I think this is an interesting element, as it would appear to the audience that this whole situation is his conscious state of mind but then in the end the question will rise amongst the audience that is it still a dream for the main character or he doesn’t realise that voice has now become a part of his conscious state of mind.

In regards to the plan, I’m trying to take a different approach, It’s not conventional style of filmmaking where there will be a script and then things go along. I’m thinking towards improvisation technique and see where it leads to. So there will minimal script and screenplay as such. The whole film is focused more on impression and expression of characters.

Let’s see what more I can think about regarding my idea

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