Machines are becoming too intelligent

Gone were the days when you went to library to search for a book or to pick up a magazine to look over for you favourite recipe. Now with the touch of your finger on your smartphones, you get what you want. With every passing year, the technology is getter better and smarter, with the innovations that suggests you to make friends with, try out new places or even find the shortest route to your destination. Today i viewed a short video in class about ‘Kara’ who is an intelligent robot with all the facial recognition and futuristic artefact attached to her, lately when her creator knows that she has started to think, he dismantles her only till she begs and is feared of being gone forever, I think that there is a hidden meaning into it. Although considering humanity, one must not kill, but other then that, your creation must fear you in order for them to seize exist. After seeing movies like I Robot, Terminator and Blade Runner, emotions must be added to these creations with more fear into them.  Machines can act like a fire, keep us warm or burn us to death. All I know is that they need to have limitations in order to avoid apocalypse.

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