Workshop week 1- Reflection

In this workshop, we were introduced to our first project brief, self-portraits. It seems exciting that I have to show and portray the inner ‘me’ in this project. Let’s see how I pull it off, I need to be sure that my work should be innovative and reflects what I want others to know about me. Hmm, no selfies, there is always the timer function in the camera that might be useful eh?

We were also told to create our blogs and that these blogs will have to be regularly updated and will be part of our submission along with project briefs. Creating blog was not difficult as I already had a WordPress account but didn’t use that much.
It was pleasant to know about my peers in the workshop. Almost everyone has a different background related to media, some of them are related to fashion, Music, Film Making and other various fields, so it would be really beneficial for me, you just never know whom you might need to help you out in future projects.

Time to explore the inner ‘Self’.

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