
blank eyes

I’m Alexandra (Alex/Al) Race-Lyons, also known as student 3484957 at the school of Media Communication of RMIT University. I have never been too good at talking about myself (not trying to sound modest here) because i would rather be learning about and absorbing the people surrounding me and how different their lives have been to mine. I am not one of the typical ‘ever since i was a young girl i was given a Sony Digital8 and never looked back’ type of people, i just decided to pick up art and that slowly developed into media, vis-comm and fine art, so really you could say,
that the creative arts field found me.
When i get passionate about something i find it hard to string sentences together, i visualize it as though my brain is getting so overwhelmed and crowded with ideas that my mouth disconnects to my brain.
This worries me.

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