Small Things Assignment 2-Colour Grading

CLIP 1 V.1

In this first edit, I just raised the contrast and lowered the exposure so that the light would look more intense while the shadows would result darker to give more volume to the scene.

CLIP 1 V.2

In this second one, I tried to make the scene less yellow so that it would almost look like it not sunset yet, but still, midday instead even though the sun is low in the sky, to achieve this I did the opposite of what I did in the first image.

CLIP 1 V.3


Here I just tried to mess around with the colour wheel to give a more blue tone to it making the scene more surreal.

CLIP 2 V.1

In this one there is not much difference since I just tried to make the colours a little more vibrant raising the tint, and lowering the temperature.

CLIP 2 V.2

With this video, I was again experimenting with creating a scene that would look like a romanticized version of the little towns in Italy as portrayed by most of the movies which portray these places.

CLIP 2 V.3


In this one instead, I was aiming to give the scene a more normal, cinematic look by tweaking the blacks and the whites as well as the colour temperature.

CLIP 3 V.1

Since this video is recorded on an old steam train, I wanted to give it a look of an old film making the scene more orange overall thanks to the shadow tint wheel and some adjustments on exposure, vibrance, and saturation.

CLIP 3 V.2

As it is quite noticeable, the image here looks rather blue. To do this I first lowered almost completely the temperature and raised to almost the max the temperature, just to experiment and see what would happen. I also tweaked the shadows to make the image softer and raised the saturation

CLIP 3 V.3

Here I just faded the image as much as possible while giving a pink tone to the film, I just thought it looked nice and set a good mood.

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