Scene Analysis#2 The Scene in Cinema


For this scene analysis, my goal was to find a scene from a film incorporating as many of these theories and techniques which I reflected upon. This was not an easy task, but in the end, I think I found a scene from a film that could be close to this said goal, The opening scene of Children of Man (2006) directed by Alfonso Cuarón.

In regards of background, from the first seconds of this scene, we can already see how much care and attention was put in constructing this scene, the background is full of details, we can immediately see that the scene is set in a coffee shop thanks to the words “caffé and cappuccino on the walls while also, showing a slice of the outside world with its grey tones from the door and windows. In the aforementioned background, it is also noticeable how a second television, different from the one everyone is watching, was placed there so that the viewer would be able to see what the actors are reacting to on the first monitor.

Camera coverage is very crucial in this scene, the first shot shows an audience receiving news and in the same way, also the film viewer receives the same news from the media giving even more information about the world and what the people are feeling. When the camera starts moving, following the protagonist going outside the Cafe, we realise that the world the film is set in reflects those colour cues we could notice from the windows and intuitively understand the situation the population is in. The camera moves following the protagonist without any cuts in the streets while also highlighting the background with pans left and right following other peoples’ actions, this is something that happens periodically throughout the film using master shot and long takes that sometimes moves away from the main character showing us other things that happen to other characters, making the viewer feel immersed in this world giving many different perspectives. While our character goes down the streets, suddenly, an explosion happens in the cafe he just left, scaring and shocking him right after the camera goes around his back to show the imminent explosion, the cameraman and our point of view, rushes towards the explosion, showing the disaster it created.

In conclusion, in my opinion, this scene is quite short but iconic, the way the actors and people are represented give all the information we might need together with the characters and camera movements which successfully emphasises this world that was created. The use of the camera, acting and background create a complex world throughout the film.

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