Alessandro Pinizzotto s3695359
Descriptive & Analytical Writing
Scenes in cinema can deliver very different emotions depending on how the scene is shot and edited together. Drama films are especially good at delivering emotions to the viewer, dramas can come in different shapes and forms and the scene from one such movie I want to analyse if from the film Logan (2017).
This film talks about tree main protagonist running from the government on a road trip-kind film, during their escape they stumble upon nice people that offer them dinner, the way the scene is tackled is very simplistic, yet effective. The compositions of the camera show the dynamics between all the characters around the table between the three members of the family, Logan, Laura (the child) and Professor Xavier especially when the child misbehaves showing the reactions of Logan and Lura. you can see they are close and have a father and daughter-like relationship in the shot showing this connection.
A simplistic atmosphere with no music and moody lighting emphasise how morbid is the world this comic book story is taking place in but at the same time, the cinematography makes you notice, with a pan of the outsides, how darker and colder the world outside breather from the constant chase and action this movie provides.
To construct this scene mid-shots and closeups are heavily use to give a spotlight to the characters reactions, as well as pans outside the house reminding us of the danger out there. The mise en scene shows a house lived in and full of memories of the family inhabiting it and succeeds at giving an atmosphere of warmth, Laura, the child, is shown how a family works and how this kind of relationship can bring joy and happiness.
Overall this scene in my opinion, with the use of mostly diegetic lighting and what could seem like simplistic shots, successfully delivers all the characters emotions and atmosphere it needs to give the viewer all the emotions and immersion possible.