At DJ class today we had Graham St John come by to talk to us about his research into rave/music cultures and festivals. What an awesome job, honestly, just going around partying everywhere and taking notes on how awesome each party was. I did look a little into him before he came by, just so I could be prepared this time with questions instead of sitting there like a useless lump, and I was actually quite interested in how he made a connection between these kinda big rave cultures and the Matrix.
Feel free not to watch the whole thing
Basically the idea that within a festival [and perhaps for the sake of this argument a specifically non-mainstream festival] most people are confronted by the idea of the blue pill vs. red pill in the form of actual mind/body altering substances. The kinds of substances in particular that change your perception and make you see the world in a different light. Depending on the individual that could range easily from MDMA for seratonin boosts right up to DMT for the ultimate spiritual experience, but the end result is to leave the festival a changed person. For the veteran however it’s not so much about revelation but about reveling in that atmosphere of discovery and freedom of judgement and oppression. There’s this comparison.. no more like a connection with these festivals and a form of religious enlightenment that seems deeply rooted in what I believe their purpose is for people today. I don’t mean religious in a contemporary sense because those religions haven’t really served the people and if anything have caused more strife.
The prosumer, popup city of Burning Man
My own personal experience with psychedelics was, as labeled, completely life altering. I can’t really remember what I was like before that point but I do recall simply being ignorant and very unwilling to accept anything outside myself. However I lacked the guidance that everyone should have when taking substances like it and that resulted in [essentially] what seemed to me like the collapse of the fabric of reality or you know.. a psychotic episode that didn’t end. I was basically stuck in the trip even after it wore off and there was no way out. It took me a good year or two before I was able to piece things back together to some degree and was able to start a degree here at RMIT. Even after all of that I still find that psychedelics hold great power and are somehow imperative for us to understand each other and our place in this world, just because I had a bad experience whilst I was on it, it taught me a lot about what I needed to do to keep moving forwards. If it wasn’t for my bad experience I’d probably have simply gone down a spiral of drug abuse and ended up a deadbeat junkie, instead I’m studying for a degree and trying to make my life count for something maybe bigger than myself.
In a sense it was like a right of passage into reality, and in that way I think he was right to point out the Matrixness of the festival scene. It’s a place where this kind of thing goes down, where people go to learn that there’s more to life than what we see on it’s surface but that means confronting the fact that it’s not all roses and butterflies, and thats what makes it both invigorating and terrifying. I hate that my mind is broken, that everything I once was is dead and gone, but I wouldn’t give up what I am today to take it back.
First off I feel like I should point out that this post originally began its life as 4-5 other drafts I had floating around my dashboard, and when I was going through them I realised that they seemed pretty well interconnected, so that explains the length, I did my best to keep it interesting.
Does a network have a center? Normally we’d believe that it would/should (it’s gotta start somewhere right?), however, nature seems to be structured randomly (heh isn’t that funny) yet still manages to work just fine. I think a good way to look at it is how we learn things via trial and error; answers are not given and we need to actively seek them out, by working around existing knowledges as well as trying to break new ground with experimentation. When we try to learn about something we don’t know, we engage with a certain kind of infiniteness to the possible approaches; we can use existing knowledges, but if the knowledge turns out to not necessarily be the best option, it is explored nonetheless to be fully excluded from from any contingency and/or an entirely new approach must be taken, and when exploring ideas outside of existing knowledge, new knowledges or technologies need to be constructed to adapt accordingly to the situation (experimentation).
MAP OF THE INTERNET: Enlarge to see just how intricate and detailed the connections are.
I think its possible that the inherent randomness of a nature-type system is both random in itsinfinite possibility of executions but not so in its reason(s) for executing them. That kinda makes it sound like conscious thing that makes decisions, but I don’t see why that is unreasonable, if you look at nature as a system, it constitutes living things that need to constantly call the shots.
Decisions, decisions.
The internet as a network also constitutes living things (hoomanz), has no center, yet still functions, and is constantly evolving. I think that is because the internet as a whole IS a center more than anything else – but to what end? lulcatz? A collective intelligence? – just because something is a center doesn’t mean its not complex. Our minds are the center of our sentience and its one of the most complex things out there (in there – whatever) , all focused into a single blob of goo, that moderates consciously as well as subconsciously; I feel, in a similar fashion that protocols moderate the interwebz. According to Galloway a protocol is/was a (1) set of rules and recommendations that outline specific technical standards, and (2) refers to any type of correct or proper behavior within a specific system of conventions, (3) introductory paper summarizing the key points of a diplomatic agreement or treaty and (4) standards governing the implementation of specific technologies. Some of it constant stuff and some of it stuff that changes accordingly. He goes on to use the analogy of a highway system to better define protocol as a technique for achieving voluntary regulation within a contingent environment. (else we’d still be a bunch of crazy baboons or more likely extinct by now I imagine)
I took away from this that a protocol is a form of governing something in a place where anything is possible(I mean that in the best sense); which I think suits just fine with the brain as a center, having its own version/types of protocol, as they have been mirrored in the developing internet, possibly by accident, but probably not. I’m not exactly a specialist when it comes to how the brain works though [and that sucks because I really want to be able to elaborate more how Galloway’s descriptions of protocol could be better linked to the brain] so this whole argument is probably invalid just on that basis, but I would like to look into it more to see if the internet really is sort of structured similarly to the human mind.
I like how Holly used a mosh pit to help describe a distributed network. Conversely I went for the Lamb of God/Meshuggah show last week and it was my first actual proper encounter with a mosh pit. I’ve been a big fan of metal since I was 10 but Malaysia was never very receptive to metal, in fact Lamb of God was supposed to play there this week as well but they got banned at the 11th hour [heh] for being Satanic or some dumb shit like that. I was even in a metal band for a while and they’re still doing great back home under the name Sacwrath (rock on brothers!), but I never actually got to be in the mosh pit and part of that audience. It’s something I had always wanted to do, but never comprehended either.. it just didn’t register in my head why people would gather in a pile and just go into a total rampage on each other. I’ve been to lots of raves and electronic music festivals before and some of the meat piles I’ve ended up in were insane, but every time I knocked into someone I would get disconcerting stares and threatening looks; even though everyone piled up together, I never felt a togetherness, people were pretty much there for themselves. When I was waiting for Meshuggah to come on stage I was seriously nervous, I looked at the guy next to me and told him I’d never done this before, and asked him if I was going to die, he just laughed and reassured me that everything would be fine, and it just so happened that a whole group of guys heard that conversation and greeted me and started telling me about mosh etiquette but most importantly to make sure if anybody fell down to pick them up right away because “you don’t wanna be that guy”, and to look out for each other – one guy pointed at me and said “especially this guy.” I was there pretty early so I had a decent spot near the front and center of the stage, and when the band came on it just took a few moments before the pit started to form, I didn’t think about it I just ran straight into the madness.
I felt like a human pinball being bounced around and shoved left, right, front, back, diagonally, it was just insane, eventually I got pushed hard enough that I fell backwards, but before I knew what was happening I was back on my feet being thrown forwards, and that was so confusing, I had no idea who that kind samaritan was that picked me up but I’m eternally grateful because I thought I really was going to get trampled, but after that somehow I just knew I was going to be safe here, I felt safer there than I had anywhere else in a long time. I only fell another time after that but I was picked up no problemo, I even got to help a few people up myself, and that really was awesome. I’ve never experienced that kind of connection with so many strangers before, didn’t matter who you were, you looked out for everyone there and they looked out for you. That NEVER happens at electronic music festivals, in fact you’re more likely going to hate the people around you for shoving around so much and not keeping to themselves and I suppose that’s really because the mindset going into them isn’t about the connection you have with the other people as much as it is at a metal concert – metal-heads are fucking awesome people \m/ – but as a distributed network it works with a collective, active and voluntary participation from parties involved.
EDIT: Don’t get me wrong, Flume is flippin awesome too!
Holly also mentioned that the idea of distributed networks appealed to her sense of democracy and/or possibly socialism, but as Eric Hall puts it, “IP uses an anarchic and highly distributed model, with every device being an equal peer to every other device on the global Internet.” and I believe this is more accurately representative of what the internet and distributed network are/have the potential to be, but also kind of like what I ascribed the brain is to hoomanz.