Ben’s presentation on ‘live-action gaming’ and interactive narrative was great. The concepts discussed were really interesting and his explanations of real-world games were particularly useful as my group is currently planning to create an ARG for our final transmedia project. Below I’ll discuss some of the ideas Ben introduced to us… Emergent Narrative: An emergent narrative is one which can…
Category: General
Year 2 Begins|The Story Lab
Beyond this point, reflections will relate to The STORY LAB. This semester I aim to share an interesting narrative product each week.
‘Exploration of Bokeh’: Video Reflection
While conducting my night shoots, one of the things I found myself filming a lot was bokeh effects. After my initial test shoots I started looking for different ways to create more interesting ‘bokeh shots’. First I tried capturing the moving lights of cars and traffic lights and this wielded really nice results. The addition of movement to these shots…
Video of the Week [Sem2 Finale]: ‘The Girl in the Yellow Dress’
Here’s the final ‘Video of the Week’ for this semester. It’s a pretty impressive stylistic animated piece. The water-colour style imagery works really well and the creator has done a great job of creating seamless transitions between different shots and characters. The music is good and overall it’s an interesting watch. Enjoy.
Using Music
While editing I began testing out a variety of music tracks with the aim of seeing what effects they would have on the night-time footage I was working with. While sticking within a library of royalty free music can be quite limiting, I believe I found a few good tracks that helped enhance the mood of the videos I was…
‘Light Night’ – Video Reflection
As I was reviewing the footage I had shot during my 2nd ‘Car Mounted Camera’ experiment, one of the shots I had filmed suddenly reminded me of something I used to do as a kid. When my family would be driving during the night I’d always be in the back seat looking up at the street lights, blurring my eyes…
Video of the Week: ‘The Hero’s Journey’
Ever wonder why so many blockbuster adventure movies seem so similar? Chances are it’s because they’re generally all structured in compliance with ‘The Hero’s Journey’ – a sort of storytelling template. In his book ‘The Hero with a Thousand Faces’, Joseph Campbell established The Hero’s Journey as a series of stages which the ‘hero’ of a narrative will find themselves progressing through. This…
The Cool Shortcuts Post
Since first teaching myself how to use After Effects and Premiere I’ve been slowly learning new tricks and settings which have definitely improved my overall efficiency in using the programs – especially Premiere, which I’ve been using a lot this year. 1. View a Panel in Full Screen [~] Really useful for fine tuning the timeline and previewing video panels.…
New Concepts
I’ve found shooting at night to be quite a relaxing and educational experience. I’ve learned a lot about the capabilities of my camera and the ways in which I can use it to capture visually interesting compositions. Shooting with no concrete plan has also been an interesting way to develop new ideas – by shooting and editing the footage I’ve…