Media Aspirations (as of March 2015) [Week 1]

2012 was the year in which my interest for the media industry was sparked. Before this I hadn’t thought much of potential careers or pathways that I could follow. I became interested in filmmaking after watching a variety of behind the scenes content from both short and feature length films. After seeing how all the different roles in a production come together, I thought that if I could find my way into this industry, I could not only find a rewarding job, but also an enjoyable and interesting career. And so I chose to take Media in VCE, eventually reaching a decision to keep studying Media (at RMIT). Here are a few of my goals which I would like to achieve through the completion of this course (and I’m sure more will emerge as the year goes by):

  • I want to be able to find a job which allows me to travel and experience different environments, challenges and cultures. To be able to do this I will have to develop a wide range of ‘universal’ skills which will allow me to fulfil various roles in a production team/business.
  • By the end of these next 3 years I would like to have ‘discovered’ and developed my creative style and strengths. As mentioned in a previous post, I think originality is a key component of being successful in this industry. Therefore, I hope to create products which are unique from pre-existing ones by establishing a style which I can experiment with.
  • Ideally, I would like to finish this course and soon after find work somewhere in the creative industry. Hopefully, through the completion of this course I will have a strong set of skills (and a strong portfolio of work) which will help me achieve this.
  • I would also like to improve my presenting skills to further expand my skill set. I feel that this would not only help me within the media industry but also beyond the screen, in the many aspects of life.
  • Then of course there’s my desire to improve upon my skills and knowledge in the areas of: Writing, Shooting, Editing, Visual Effects, Sound Recording, etc. etc. etc. I’m sure these will continue to develop throughout these next 3 years (looking forward to it).

That’s it for now, let’s see how many of these goals I can take a crack at in the next year or so.

As for this post’s video… Here’s a really amazing short documentary called ‘Twenty Eight Feet’. It’s about David Welsford, a man who sets out to achieve his own personal goals by leaving the land behind him – taking to the sea to pursue happiness and new experiences on an old wooden boat. It’s shot and edited beautifully. Looking to be inspired? I’d recommend checking this out:


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