Media 1 Practical [Week 1]

In the final weeks of my ‘post-VCE’ break, boredom had begun to set in. After the hectic year that was year 12, the complete lack of structure in my weeks left me in a most unproductive state. And so I began to count the days before the 2nd of March, the first day of uni, eager to once again begin learning, creating and networking.

Walking into Building 9 (level 3, room 10) for the first time as an RMIT student, I was reminded again that the days of maths tests, english exam anxiety and uncomfortable uniform were over. It was refreshing to finally meet others in the class, individuals with so many shared interests, goals and ideas.

To be able to discuss favourite films and television series in the “classroom” not only got me excited for what was to come, but also made me realise that I’m going to need to start watching A LOT more movies (I’m currently going through a 3 page list of films from the 1930s-2000s that I need to catch up on).

Upon being introduced to our first practical assignment, it became clear that this was going to be a busy, productive and fun year. Ideas have already started forming and I look forward to finding a way to ‘illustrate’ my personality using a variety of media forms (film, photo, audio and writing).

Anyways, that’s all for now, BUT – I want to try and finish each of my posts by sharing an interesting video, whether it be a short film, video essay or something completely different. I think it’ll help me (and you) explore the vast amounts of content available online, in doing so we can discover new ideas, techniques, stories, images and more.

Today I’ll share a ‘Directing Reel’ showcasing Danny Jelinek’s work:

I stumbled upon this while browsing for show reels on Vimeo. While I wasn’t familiar with his work, the ‘unique’ style of the reel (reelly) caught my eye. There are many reels which simply follow convention but this one certainly doesn’t do that. In relation to ‘us’, I think the idea of creating unique products should be focused on always, especially while working on our projects – people want to experience new things, and as future ‘creators’ we should aim to make content that is fresh and original.

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