While editing I began testing out a variety of music tracks with the aim of seeing what effects they would have on the night-time footage I was working with. While sticking within a library of royalty free music can be quite limiting, I believe I found a few good tracks that helped enhance the mood of the videos I was creating. When I first started editing, I was just using the music to keep the edit moving, however after a while I began to appreciate the effects that the music was having on the piece – leading me to further investigate the effects of music.
I found that synth-based tracks worked really well in creating the neo-noir-esque and strange/unusual moods that I was aspiring to produce. The long hums and high-pitched drones of this style seemed to have an unsettling effect and I quite liked this. I also experimented with both slower and faster moving tunes to see how this would change the momentum and energy of the videos. For portraying the quiet and low-key movements of the night, I found that the slower paced music fitted better – creating a somewhat relaxed and peaceful feel.
It was an interesting experience to experiment with different music and I’d definitely like to continue using the footage from my Film3 investigations in future music/audio tests.