What It Means To Be Vulnerable


I came across this TED Talk by Brene Brown on my Facebook feed, a friend of mine shared the video. I had already watched the videos last year and have downloaded the audio of the talk.

In this particular TED Talk, Brown explores the challenges of being vulnerable. Have a watch:


These two quotes stood out for me in the video:

‘When you lose your capacity to care what other people think, you’ve lost you ability to connect. But when you’re defined by it, you’ve lost your ability to be vulnerable.’ (Brown 2010).

‘You’re imperfect, and you’re wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.’ (Brown 2010).

I can totally relate to what she is saying in the video. It makes so much sense when you are expose to the queer community.

As I have written in my poetic essay script:

Fluid as it is, sexuality and gender identity implores the notion that visibility is vulnerability, that is being visible as a queer individual in society is to be vulnerable, as there is a likelihood that they are can be more vulnerable to hate crimes, discrimination, and homophobic quips, especially so if they are an effeminate gay man, a butch lesbian or transgendered person.

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