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Group 6 behind-the-scenes

Group 6: Amelie Damiano, Aashna Khurana, Mark Wong & Ven Hew

This is a behind-the-scenes shot of the production crew recording the talent for the first time.

The purpose of the studio was to explore the profiling of media students through a series of Instagram reels. This studio allowed for us as media students to share our passions, interests and diverse perspectives on all things related to media and social media. For our Group – Group 6 we decided to showcase a media student’s love of media and why they chose that as a career pathway. The overall goal of the studio was to present an RMIT Media student in a 60second video format on an Instagram reel. Throughout the studio’s course we each worked on the video through the 6 production stages. Those stages being Development, Pre-Production, Production, Post-Production and finally Distribution. Ultimately our goal for this studio was to reveal to an audience that these works on media students are created by media students. 

This is a behind-the-scenes shot of the production crew setting up the interview for our talent.

The highlight of this course is the production side of it where we as a collaborative group are working on a social video reel. The ideas and the ability to film with highend equipment from RMIT gave us an insight into how professional social video reels are made and created. It is an amazing experience as a group, and it is one of the best things to highlight when studying in this course. This is a great learning experience that we have gone through and could benefit our future careers if we plan on becoming social media creators. Another great highlight from this course would be how the work is all about collaboration and teamwork, this course allows us to be closer to our teammates. Group 6 have worked greatly together and the social video reel that we came up with for the course project have shown not only our skill individually but as a group as well. These are some of the highlights of this course that we have gather from this studio course and wish that what we have learned from this course could benefit our future as media practitioners.

The group had a cordial as well as a civil dynamic with each other. Each member had their own strengths that we played upon, and this led to no overlapping of duties or responsibilities. We put everyone’s strengths to good use to formulate good quality of final work. Collaboration is a significant part of media and we have been taught since the beginning to practice good communication. Being familiar with each other before beginning the group project allowed an easy flow of communication where no one felt humiliated to ask each other doubts. This also helped in creating an open and personal interview where being on friendly terms allowed us to ask deeper questions as well as a vulnerable flow of answers. Most importantly, everyone led a helping hand to each other. Working so closely with one another can often cause issues but each member handled the problems with grace. Overall, the group did the interview well and good collaboration shined through on the screen. At every stage of the interview, we were open to learn from our mistakes and most importantly determined to change and always pushing through to make it better. 

This is a screenshot of our talent and shows an interesting question that was asked by the interviewer.

Although we are very proud with our group dynamic and what we were able to create, something that we could’ve done better would have to be our lighting and location. We would have loved to find a more dynamic and interesting location to really showcase the RMIT City Campus. Although the previous locations we had found created some audio issues, but if we had more time before filming, we would have been able to explore our location options further. When it comes to lighting, in retrospect we should have tried to seek out or have more options such as a ring light to go around the phone and light up the talents face better so that we wouldn’t end up with a bright spot on the background. But it does add it’s a unique flare and gives that background slightly more interest, so it then becomes stylistic. However, on the topic of lighting we wanted to expand and experiment with coloured lighting, and we think that could have been more creative and fun. Overall, we are very pleased with our final social video reel and believe that these small changes could have added extra detail. 

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