Y to K

June 4, 2024

“A girl obsessed with the 2000’s, is suddenly placed into the body of her older sister in the year 2006, where she vows to take over her school.”

‘Y to K’ is a love letter to the 2000’s chick flick genre. We experience the old school high school drama of yesterday through the eyes of a teenager today. It explores all the classic tropes like the group of sabotaging mean girls, cheerleading drama, and prom season rivalry. This was the first treatment I have ever written and now that I think about it, it is also the first story I’ve ever fully completed writing. I honestly didn’t struggle to create a story based on the genre I had chosen as it’s one that I love a lot. It was so fun to be able to think of callbacks to other films in the genre and having my classmates in the workshop give me even more ideas was so helpful. The only downfall is that I wasn’t able to go over the treatment fully since I had ran short of time before the submission was due. Overall, I am extremely satisfied with the outcome of my treatment and It is 100% a movie I would love to watch myself. For all this I am super grateful for this studio and our tutor.


Here is the link to soak in all the chick flick glory in Y to K:

Y to K plot treatment Assignment 4 Seyyid

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