In addition to being a member of the documentation team, I was involved in producing and organising the closing night of And Scene Festival, including the awards ceremony. This required venue scouting, viewing all of the exhibited student works, and preparing awards for worthy winners.
After organising the usage of RMIT’s Media Portal, we then prepared a list of awards categories. Between the awards team, we attended every screened studio and came to a number of collective decisions on which pieces to award. There were a number of considerations we made when choosing which works were worthy of celebration, and we also set up an online vote open to the public as part of our Audience Choice Award, which we promoted across the festival’s three days. After we made our decisions and voting was closed, we sent out invitations to attend the closing night to the winners, many of whom turned up and received their award in person.
The event was a success as all class members chipped in with promoting the event, providing snacks and refreshments, selling merch, and generally representing the festival in a professional and fun manner. Archer and I hosted the awards ceremony, which lasted approximately 30 minutes, before the celebration turned into a karaoke night, enjoyed by both classmates and guests alike. The ceremony brought to a close all our hard work, acting as the proverbial ‘And Scene’ of the And Scene Festival, and provided us an opportunity to celebrate the total achievements of the student cohort. By design, it was the most lighthearted part of the festival, and perfectly capped off a magnificent yet stressful three days.