Social Meida: TikTok

Within the production of our ‘And Scene Film Festival’ my key role in promoting the festival was social media and advertisement. This consisted of collaborating with my fellow social media peers and coming up with ways to use Instagram and TikTok to make our videos go viral and expand our account to a larger audience. As this was our main goal this would help us to sell more tickets and overall, have a larger following attend our three-day assignments. I have social media accounts of my own (including TikTok and YouTube) where I am always in front of a camera and me being in front of a camera to advertise our festival was something that I was extremely prepared for and more than welcome to be the main face of our social media.

Our first TikTok video consisted of a short soft launch of our idea and giving our audience the key dates, times and addresses of our film festival. We did this in a fun way by planting sticky notes around key monuments in the Melbourne CBD so our audience would be able to recognise these locations and have them invested in our production (Shown in the picture below). We found this idea for our TikTok to be the perfect way to present our account to our intended audience as it was straight to the point, short in length and would allow our followers to engage with the entirety of the video.


Over the coming weeks of our festival, we researched trends and figured out what videos were getting the highest retention so we could recreate them on our TikTok page and add our spin to it to relate them to our film festival production. This included doing street interviews and then having our logo pop up throughout the video or having a short snippet at the end of the video to advertise the dates of our festival. Overall our social media team had worked extremely hard to grow our following in such a short time and we believe our influence of social media was one of the many factors in our successful film festival.



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