One of the main issues in the production of our project was the concept being feasible and what kind of audience would interact with it. the initial concept and idea for what the end product would be is different to what was actually made in the end. Initially it was going to be more personal to on of our interviewees darcy, the idea had to change after the footage that we got wasn’t what we expected to get and that its audience was potentially too niche. After doing more research on the club and finding more members of the club who would like to be involved the concept changed to be more focused on the club its self, this is also where the idea for it to be a series came from, similar to how the Netflix series “drive to survive” (Paul et al., 2019-present) follows the teams as the season goes on so would our with a different member being featured each week with a unique issue for them or the club being the focus, with the games being a side feature. We believe this would be more appealing to a wider audience as, although we believe there is a large audience of people invested in LGBTQ+ representation in media there is an even bigger audience that would be interested in the sporting element of the series. Our primary audience was always clear from the start. The project contains many people in the LGBTQ+ community and they would be the primary audience. They are also a viable audience that may show interest in the project due to underrepresentation in TV as the Department of health estimates that 11 per cent of Australians are of diverse sexual orientation, sex or gender identity. By comparison, only 5 per cent of characters were identifiably LGBTQ+ (department of health and aging, 2012).that would be the core thing to expand and improve on if the project was to be continued. Many of the conversations we had with the participants were about other people in the community and how they would have so many different stories to tell from different perspectives. This would mean that the project would have increased diversity and representation of different groups. Something that I believe is very important in tv in general. With the increased representation in the show it would hopefully encourage those who watch and are a part of the LGBTQ+ community to try be involved in sport or something that they love to do and show that there is communities where they are happily accepted.
One of the main key things I have learnt from my studio experience is how to properly refine and perform a pitch and how to correctly articulate your ideas to someone who has no prior knowledge of what the project is. Up until this studio the people I have been pitching a project to have had some prior knowledge of what the project is and what it started as. This meant that the pitches have not been fully refined and developed in a way that some one who has never heard of the project would need. This taught me mostly of the amount of research that is required for a pitch and how to adapt the project with that research but also with the feedback you receive after pitching and working on the answers to questions that you were unable to fully or correctly answer after the pitch.
The forming of the group for the project was different to normal, because the group was formed through interest in the original idea instead of the group being formed before any concept was made it meant that everyone was on the same or a similar page on what they wanted the end product to look like. This meant that instead of throwing out ideas and concepts for something new it was more focused making it easier for new ideas to from or to build on someone else’s idea. Some of the topics included in the project and its making was new to me, this meant that in working with the group it was a good learning experience and will make it easier in the future to work with different groups of people who I usually wouldn’t.
Department of Health and Ageing, National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Ageing and Aged Care Strategy 2012, p 4
Paul, M., Gay-Rees, J., (executive producers). (2019 – present). Drive to survive [tv series] Box to box films.