Leftovers to Landfill

‘Leftovers to Landfill’ follows Seth’s journey to uncover how household food waste impacts the environment. He reworks his relationship with food and waste management, inviting viewers to do the same, proving that even small actions can create the biggest change.

The audience follows Seth as we meet 3 separate individuals/companies and their roles in the cycle of food waste: The producer of produce Muz with the Market Boys, consumer and climate activist Mia, and finally the party that extends the life of food waste, Chris with Moving Feast. Due to the fact that all four of the group members were not present at every shoot, we had to go back and do several reshoots throughout the process, but doing so allowed us to have as much footage as we had possibly needed in order to fill the gaps. I grasped a better understanding of camera and audio equipment throughout this assignment, and know for next time to set up two separate cameras positioned much closer to the subjects during interviews to have as much diverse footage as possible, so as to not solely rely on additional b-roll footage.

Seth adds: In this process I gained networking and communication skills, demonstrating an ability to communicate with organisations to achieve communal goals.

One thought on “Leftovers to Landfill

  1. The project “Leftovers to Landfill” is an impact documentary focused on the issue of food waste and its environmental consequences. The film follows Seth’s journey, supplemented with interviews from experts and everyday people, to highlight the scale of food waste and offer actionable steps for audiences to reduce their own waste.

    We began the project with extensive research and planning, gathering data on food waste statistics and identifying key themes and messages. We used participatory and observational approaches to capture footage. The editing process required combining footage to create a cohesive narrative that balances emotional engagement with factual information, while maintaining a clear visual style to ensure the documentary was both informative and engaging.

    I developed a deeper understanding of impact documentary filmmaking, from conceptualization to execution, and reinforced the importance of raising awareness on critical issues and finding creative ways to engage audiences. Additionally, collaborating with my team taught me valuable lessons in communication, compromise, and leveraging diverse skill sets for a common goal. Overall, this project was a transformative experience, expanding my filmmaking abilities and reinforcing my commitment to using media for social change.

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