Xiaoyue Zhang

Edit Series

  This edit series is under the universe of (international)students which includes the Narrative——“ The Free Night Time”, the Documentary ——“The Start of B Nails” and the Commercial——“A PSA: Take a Step”.

Through this course, I explore many genres of editing, build and improve my knowledge of them. However, in this video editing, I did not choose a very dynamic editing style as I used to do for homework, but paid more attention to the logical relationship between the connection of each shot. Given the high frequency of short videos today, I hope the smooth and logical narrative will make people more immersed, and I hope people will stop at any video. In this case, a Narrative is a little scripted scene, something you can probably experience before: get rejected or not respond to your message by a friend; then the Documentary focuses more on narration and the shots are all focused on the answers of interviewees, while my Commercial tried to show emotional changes, from giving in to be brave to say. I hope to encourage others.


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