Neve Saunders

Documentary: “Whips and Snips”: A documentary about Liam’s love for mowing and lawn care, exploring how it has affected his life and his relationships.

Narrative: “Da Lat”: Depicts a journey through Vietnam utilising footage recorded on a camcorder, showcasing the countries undeniable beauty and rich culture.

Commercial: “Mile End Monthly”: A commercial for a local bagel shop, Mile End Bagels, promoting their new monthly special, a cold smoked trout bagel.

Whilst completing these edits throughout the semester, I gained so much knowledge and insight about the film industry and had the opportunity to learn an array of new things from my tutor as well as my classmates. This studio taught me so much about the importance of organisation, time management, creative expression and of course editing.

It always feel so rewarding when completing an edit, watching each shot, transition and effect come together to create a whole piece. Although there were moments of stress, disappointment and frustration, the overall process was creatively stimulating and allowed me to produce work I had never made before.

I am proud of these three edits and am thankful to of had such a supportive teacher and class, who all helped me along the way. Whether being an editor is the career path for me, I am still unsure about, but the skill set and knowledge I have gained from completing these videos will most definitely benefit me in whatever path I choose to go down.

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