Natalie Panoutsos


This first edit is a spec ad for the Nike Invincible 3 running shoe. I wanted the video to showcase the shoe but also to focus more on the person running. This was because there is a strong theme within Nike ads that the product is moulded around the individual and I wanted to portray the idea that the shoe does what you need it to do. I aimed to translate themes and styles from actual Nike ads so the edit would feel more authentic and on brand. The fast cuts and upbeat nature as well as creating a slogan for the shoe at the end to finish on where some of the ways I did this. This was a project that challenged me and pushed me creatively where I was able to try something new.

The documentary edit with my grandmother was something that I wanted to share as the stories she tells is something that I have always valued. I initially did the interview all in English, however, while my grandmother does speak it very well, her answers were much more concise compared to in Greek the second time. This was largely due to being self-conscious of how she spoke and therefore I decided to leave the interview in Greek with subtitles as I felt as though it conveyed the emotions behind her stories better and flowed more smoothly.

My final edit was intended to be more of a silly comedy that came about based off being on school holidays when I was younger and my siblings and I had forgotten to take something out of the freezer to defrost. I felt that this was a relatable story and would help to make it light hearted. I faced a few challenges during the process of this project as I was filming myself which proved difficult particularly when setting up a shot.

Overall, these edits where really enjoyable to make and while there were some challenges throughout each one I felt as though I was able to create three films that fit into each genre.



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