Commercial: A commercial for a range of clothing from two student designers.
Documentary: An interview with a student photographer as she explains her love for her craft.
Narrative: A music video excerpt from the song ‘A Call to The Soul’ by Marko Topa.
I really enjoyed this studio this semester. I really love editing, so getting to discuss and indulge in it on a deeper level has been very interesting and also meaningful. It changed the way I approach editing now with a mindset that editing is just as big a part of the storytelling as the story itself. I loved the focus on building our intention and instinct when making editing decisions and I do now find myself with a bit more confidence in the footage I choose and cuts I make. A particular insight which I have definitely taken away from this course is servicing the story and how to approach this. Noting aspects like emotion and story come before the more technical and more known aspects of editing in ensuring reality and space. This has given me some more confidence in still being able to have a creative drive in working on a project. I also loved the insight into an editor’s life with our guest speaker and discussion on freelancing. This was great to have a better understanding of working in a professional environment and some of what we can expect should we wish to pursue this field.