Technical Director: Administrative & Technical Coordination

During my time working on the Debut International Film Festival (DIFF), I took on the position of Technical Director.

As a member of the direction / production team, my responsibilities comprised all duties associated with the technical operation of the festival.

Furthermore, a large component of my position revolved around the organisation and coordination of a large number of key administrative and logistical tasks.

Thought the completion of important documents including but not limited to:

  • Event Schedule

  • Staff Roster

  • Risk Assessment / WHS

  • Production Handbook

  • Volunteer Application System

  • Videography Plan

  • Communications / Incident Log

I was ultimately able to plan the daily operations of the festival in addition to coordinating the team through a large number of tasks.

This position proved extremely demanding, particularly as it involved a significant amount of interdepartmental communication in order to organise certain elements (e.g. staff availabilities for the staff schedule).

In reviewing the combined efforts of the direction / production department, I must highlight and commend the continual commitment demonstrated by all team members who made every effort to ensure the Debut International Film Festival operated to its highest capacity.

Upon reflection, the primary fault I can find with the direction / production department was simply a lack of resource sharing and interdepartmental communication.

In the future, the entire team might possibly benefit from implementing department heads who can report on a weekly basis to the direction team.

If weekly achievements and or issues were continually reported, this might possibly highlight areas for concern, in addition to areas that might possibly benefit from additional support.

Yet, in returning to the commendable efforts of the direction / production team, I can’t help but acknowledge the continual commitment performed by those individuals.

Ultimately, the combined efforts of the festival’s direction / production team proved to be pivotal in establishing and maintaining daily festival operations.

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