
October 24, 2023

Gooey follows Katy, unwillingly forced to attend a family party celebrating her grandfathers birthday. But what she learns to discover is that her family might not be who she thinks they are after all.

I have had the privilege to work with such an amazing team on the incredible film known as ‘Gooey’ as its sound designer and co-editor. The production process brought many challenging experiences itself, however in the end, it become evident that our final work represented an important aspect of adapting to the issues we all faced as a group and how each and every one of us took the time to help each other out and make sure that we were okay and on the same track. As the films sound designer and editor it became an important job for me to work very closely with our director Luciana to discover what atmosphere we wanted to capture and did so through the discover of certain sound effects and music that evoked creepy aspects of old-timey atmosphere.

What i learnt was not only how to operate areas such as sound design and the equipment that follow with it. But what was most important was how i learnt how to adapt to certain situations or issues that the production process displayed. some instances where the sound didn’t work or where some clips didn’t match each other when looking at them editing, all lead to all of our ability to adapt to these instances and work around these areas to produce the final product and we all did so amazingly.

Overall, it was a blast to be a part of this movie. The crew put so much effort and passion into making the film successful and created such a wonderful atmosphere. Luciana’s breakout role as director was fantastic, Alex’s cinematography was beautifully shot and Ewan’s Management……and acting was superb. With a few minor difficulties here and there, I believe we accomplished what we set out to do, and I will always be grateful to the actors and crew for providing a wonderful, challenging, enjoyable, and overall beneficial experience that will support my desire for a future in the film industry.

Watch Gooey here:


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