© 2023 Mikaela Giblin

Something In The Nothing

Something In The Nothing

Elle, Mikaela & Holly

Logline: Overstimulated and underwhelmed yet understimulated and enchanted… Revealing the beauty in banality

Synopsis: This experimental video explores the concept of banality, inspired by Chris Marker’s confession where he admitted that he had “been around the world several times and now only banality still interests [him]”. 

As a group, we instructed one another to collect footage of items and landscapes in our own environment that we found to be objectively mundane yet uniquely fulfilling. This is a poetic explosive film. 

At first glance, this juxtaposing practice and our resulting compilation of footage is suspect to a miscellaneous assortment. However, each scene has been carefully selected and linked to its neighbours thoughtfully. 

This sequence seeks to provoke thought, encouraging viewers to wonder about all the hidden things that make them feel content. 

What We Learnt: While intentionally seeking and filming monotonous subject matter, we have learnt that the final product of our media projects can be both visually and conceptually profound as long as footage is captured with interest and edited with intent. Additionally, by exploring the fulfilling elements of banality, we have been gifted with this valuable perspective in our everyday lives.


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