Group 1 SVE Studio Reflection

As Group 1—comprised of Caelan Nicholls, Clare Walker, Lexi Hakim, and Putt-Putt Quanpadng— we worked collectively in understanding and practising Social Video Enshittification. This subject carries a dual significance: firstly, it served to equip us with practical skills essential for navigating the professional landscape of social videography. Through hands-on learning, we began making videos tailored Read More…

Group 3 on the SVE Studio

We are Group 3 , Yinan Huang, Anusha Ho Puvanesvaran (Leo) Ziqi Lu: These are some short stories we filmed about RMIT ASIANS STUDENTS doing an undergraduate degree in the Media Program. \These are what we think are the psychological thoughts of Asian international students and some problems that come to RMIT. Anusha Ho Puvanesvaran Read More…

Group 2 on the SVE Studio

We are Group 2 Ryan Yuan, Ethan Chen, Krissten Zhan. In the realm of media production, our collective journey has been a testament to the synergy generated through refined teamwork and the relentless pursuit of technical mastery. Everyone was in a positive frame of mind to cooperate with this work. As Group 2, we have Read More…