William Palmer

Dude, That’s Literally Not My Shit from Media Factory Contributor on Vimeo.


“When an unflushed poo is found in the toilet, will housemates- Matt and Tom’s friendship go down the drain?


Over the last six weeks, I have learnt so much from Sebastian, my classmates, and the Directing performance course, making it a fantastic learning experience and a great final studio to cap off my final year at university. I had three main goals when coming into this course, develop a stronger understanding of the role of director, enhance my communication skills when working with actors, and produce a solid final scene utilizing the different theories and concepts gained from the course, to make something I’m proud of. I think it’s safe to say that I achieved all my goals over the last couple of weeks. Some of the practical discussions on correct media coverage and how to shoot the scene were really helpful when it came to producing my final film which I did not expect to learn during this course. Overall this was a fantastic class and I really enjoyed being a part of the group, getting involved in full class discussions, giving and receiving feedback on our scenes and just being around other people passionate about film. 

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