‘Stories Beneath The Skin’

Stories Beneath The Skin from Media Factory on Vimeo.



Our story explores the lives of various tattoo artists, big and small, who have taken to their home environments to begin tattooing; we will explore the rise in at-home ‘DIY’ tattooing culture and the ideas behind permanency and spontaneity when receiving tattoos. 

The various tattoo artists interviewed and photographed honour different styles and processes that make up their work. Stories can be told through art processes like tattooing. In this instance, the tattooist and client make up a different experience each time. The artist gets to relay a story onto their client’s skin, a style/image that means something to them, and the client receives something permanent that helps convey meaning. The two are mutually exclusive.





view our website here: https://raspberry-chiton-nwhr.squarespace.com/