Music AI is “not” complicated?

You know what an AI covered song is if you are on any media platform. But have you thought for a second what and how did they do the cover itself. What is the technology AI behind that allows them to be able to create such work. Music AI being the important tool behind what creators use to create these AI generated or covered songs.

AI covered songs current run rampant around social media without any regulations behind which prompt me to explore what is the effects behind this situation and what kind of effects does it do to the music industry if this is not stopped. Through an interview with a person who is related to the music industry, a university student who works closely to the industry as a case and point, I work to also explore what do people think about the music AI from a general standpoint.

The video is created to be digestible towards anyone who watches it and does not covered any sort of technical points as it would require prior knowledge into the infrastructure of the technology itself but I do recommend looking into simple systems such as So-vits SVSĀ  as its currently the most easiest system to understand in terms of AI tools for covering songs.

My journey throughout the project gave me insights into many different opinions pinning on what they think about the technology and does it even matter to their daily lives moving towards the future. Although as currently stand, it is very inconclusive on whether which side is correct or wrong until further regulations or situations arises which tackles the music AI as a whole.

(Note: I did hand drawn most of the frames in the video, it took a long while to figure out the general gist of the design)


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