Kangyu Ding – #5.1 ASSIGNMENT

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Title: Sugar

A short summary: Sugar is a short film that is close to life. One never knows what’s going to happen next. The heroine Hebby’s experience is like a roller coaster ride, reversing her life. There are times when there is nothing people can do about what happens.

Process:This year’s theme was micro-budget filmmaking, so we had no expenses throughout the process other than the picnic props and transportation costs that came with the show. At the end of the shoot, all the food for the picnic was finished. I used an iPhone 12 pro max for filming and Premiere Pro for editing in post. Since there was only one phone to shoot, we had to shoot multiple times in different locations to ensure the integrity of the post-editing. And since the outdoor environment is noisy, I chose to use post-dubbing with subtitles to make sure the audience can clearly understand what the actors are saying. We didn’t use lighting panels or additional lighting to adjust the light and darkness of the scene. After showing Tim the rough cut, I made adjustments to the audience confusion section.

What I got out of:During the semester, I strengthened my script writing skills as well as producing a microfilm. When I didn’t take this course, I thought it was very easy and simple to make a microfilm, but as I learned more and more about it, I realized that it is not that simple to make the audience understand the content and meaning of the film in such a short time. During the filming process, we had to improvise our lines to ensure the most realistic effect. Since there were only three of us shooting, I experienced every step of the process of making a microfilm. The most memorable part was the editing skills, although the course will soon be over. But I think I will continue to practice and strengthen my editing skills after school.

Embed Link of Short Film:https://rmiteduau-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/s3797057_student_rmit_edu_au/Eioqte-7rzNNjpG7OivwsA4BnlfaKxvMrkJ0Z4YFnYXKHw?e=azFgpt

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