A#4 Unrequited (Arts of the Microbudget)


Through my short and microbudget film, I really hope everyone like it despite the budget it has taken and the standard of everything. I would say my film was a completely micro-budget film as it barely spent a money. If I were given the chance to continue this microbudget film, I really would like to explore it again. There are still a lot to be improve such as the ending of my film. Many audiences could not understand the ending of my story though I have tried to change the editing quite a few of times. I would also improve on the camera angles. My film was about video-blogging film so the angles were mostly medium close ups. However, there were some parts where it became super close up that almost cutting out the objects that need to be inside the frame and this makes it unclear to the audience. Thus, I really would like to change it for better understanding for the audiences. Furthermore, in this studio, I have learnt a lot of things but there were some challenges such as during the pitching of the film. At that time, my film was still very raw and messy. The editing was not completely done but luckily the story and the tense was already there. One more thing is also about making the film exactly like the script I have made. Due to having unprofessional artists, it was so hard to make it the exact scene as the script. Moreover, the editing was also one of the most difficult parts. While doing my first editing, I had found out that I could be seen at the background of the main character. It was my mistake for not checking right after the shooting process. It was also impossible to retake that part as my country was having public holiday and my artist was not around anymore. Luckily, after trying so hard to edit, I had successfully covered that part though it was not perfect or I would say still messy. Other than editing, having perfect audio was also hard. The rooftop scene was quite windy during the shooting process and there was also background sound of the mosque sound at that time. The audio was very windy that I could barely hear the dialogue. I have tried to use my phone as the audio recorder but it still did not work out. Thus, we have to wait until there were no wind for us to start and take the screen. At the start of the process, my camera holder was suddenly broken too. I was very shocked and hopeless but after doing a little bit of fixing, I could use it for my camera. Overall, the process was fun despite the challenges and from this studio, I have received skills for microbudget film-making.

safety report : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1he_RwEC7ttNDWEO6U7JWjsnpMu3nlFcj

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